Dr. Jeffrey S. Barkin, MD, DLFAPA
Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrist.
Co- Host of ‘A Healthy Conversation with Steve Woods and Dr. Jeff Barkin’

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A Healthy Conversation << on WGAN!
Advocating for mental health since 1991
Dr. Jeffrey Barkin M.D., DLFAPA is a Yale trained physician, board certified in general and geriatric psychiatry, with specific expertise in clinical trial analysis, health policy, forensic and organizational psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, and psychopharmacology. A distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, he held a past academic appointment as assistant clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in his years prior to locating to Maine in 1998.
Since 2009, Dr. Barkin has been Associate Chief Medical Officer of Change Healthcare. In this capacity, he consults to multiple states Medicaid pharmacy programs regarding the clinical considerations of pharmaceutical treatments. He practices both forensic and clinical psychiatry in Portland, Maine and has extensive expertise in health care policy analysis which he frequently presents on, and lectures about nationally. In addition to direct patient care, his practice provides consultation to various foundations, businesses, and families as well as government affairs involving multi-stakeholder efforts in the health care space.
He is the Immediate past-President of the Maine Medical Association. Dr. Barkin is also a past-President and past-Treasurer of TriCounty Mental Health Services and the Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians. He is married to Joan Belsky Barkin, a talented artist.
"I believe physicians are truly natural ambassadors and teachers. To that end, I frequently participate with media, partnering on making health care related topics understandable to a broad audience. I have contributed to numerous news stories on all Portland, Maine television affiliates and co-host a weekly radio show, "A Healthy Conversation with Steve Woods and Dr. Jeff Barkin", which airs on WGAN." -Dr. Barkin

“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.”
– Edmund Burke